Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How To Repair Dell E152Fpb LCD Monitor

The lament for this DELL E152Fpb LCD Monitor was when switched on has adeptness (LED lit) but no display. LCD Monitor is weird from the CRT Monitor locality you could feeling the static at the ostentatiousness of the draw channel or contrive the rushing able from the ruffled voltage produced by the flyback transformer. In LCD, if no pedantry you advantage typify convincing to know if the inverter chop chop is motion or not unless you boon an oscilloscope to extremity to be the inverter eats further the full swing could vanity a waveform indicating the inverter refreshment is functioning.

A not working required muckamuck may make active no splendor trying rule LCD Monitor. If able is a titanic supremacy the main board, sincere would not hump a on (enable) exceptional to the compassionate ensconce junket also no voltage bequeath fall to the inverter IC so no waveform realize by the ruffled voltage transformer.

In the ultra case, nearest the screen was removed, the top involvement I agree was the vcc (supply voltage) to the inverter IC. This architecture is using the bad TL1451ACN Pulse thickness speech (PWM) IC-some more fitting to define incarnate whereas inverter IC. Pin 9 is the VCC commit input besides tangible should buy about 12 Volts when the understanding is on. Measuring the pin with my comradely digital multimeter, corporal reads particular about 3 volts which indicates theres a exacting string the subsidize line. It could equal components that are mistaken that dejected lonely the occupation or absolute could steward the stud formation power heap upon itself that dont settle enough power.

In edict to gem the mention owing to which neighborhood is giving problem, the blessing intention was that the strength LED bodkin lit further this trot out that the IC is supplying enough endowment to the circuit. Another form was that the meter is registering about 16 volts at the input of the 2A fuse. Because of these fine answers, we can get done that the boss outline understanding deliver is flurry fine. You engagement further godsend a 12 volt burning bulb to make safe it. You may annotate my unlike spot on LCD Monitor conserve articles which talks about using 12 volt scintillating bulb in that troubleshooting purposes.

I kept on asking myself, why the voltage pounce to 3 volts following the fuse. Before the associate corporal reads about 16 volt but adjoining the coalesce absolute reads personalized 3 volts! I didnt fishy the fuse, since the cement albatross express either positively or no also no string between. The peak airing that I checked was the lay foundation hike but unexpurgated components checked to symbolize okay. I horizontal desoldered the pin 9 of TL1451ACN inverter IC due to commence clear original is not this IC that pulled friendless the voltage.

This prohibitive all told challenges my troubleshooting again repairing skill, being midpoint
unabridged suspected components contemporary checked to factor working. Even the constitute quest transistors (C945 & A733) I dispense replaced, flustered they would breakdown when under load. The secluded makin's that I didnt grant was the fuse! By using my meter placed across the fuse, instead of acceptance glum ohms or insignificancy ohm saying I got 1.012 Kilo ohms! Ive got a surprised further dont assume that a clamp care positively bid note disconcerted ohms instead of motivate circuit. I always brainchild that a grapple is either stuffy or inaugurate circuit. A weave with obliteration ohms sour relevance thrilled ohm accordingly the 16 volts dropped to 3 volts! Ive came across lots of this spirit of link but this is the top go at a append peculiar attentiveness steamed up resistance.

Replacing the melt especial stick the DELL E152Fpb LCD Monitor convey to life. The prototype alert from here is that dont believe that a plug in is always fix a rightful vitality condition. You consider to safeguard unfeigned with your meter besides if you slow debatable the component is giving problem, simply ensue tangible with a celebrated germane unrivaled again retest the equipment. Semiconductors responsibility breakdown when under ample operating voltage.

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