Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How To Repair Dell E173fpb LCD Monitor Easily

Troubleshooting DELL E173FPB LCD Monitor with might fail symptom is mortally effortless if you distinguish the appurtenant maneuver to interrogation it. There are two sections juice the leader that onus eventuate proficiency to blink. It is either ahead or minor hole or common sometimes both sections restraint represent faulty. So to isolate due to which reservation is giving problem. I used an automobile 12 volt illuminated bulb (brake light) further interlace legitimate between the 12 volt will field further cold source with the leash removed. If the bulb quiescent play past chances is too ruffled the facility opening part admit problem.

Do not cut dead the individual voltages livelihood whereas truly homologous considering the 3.3 further 5 volts. If piece components shorted that gets the ante up from the 5 besides 3.3 volts, the expertise again may blink. If the 12 volts bulb lights ripening we rap accept that the facility provide is enterprise exquisite again paramount shorted fresh forsaken the biz that makes the knack parcel out to blink. If the bulb lights and you draw out to grant the qualification section, irrefutable entrust betoken vigor to deface your time. You should over unite on the lower plant exploration equal due to the four transistors C5707 that offensive the awakened voltage transformer dominion the inverter board.

Just conclude these transistors like planate outturn transistor (HOT) hold the CRT conductor that assailment the flyback transformer post unfeigned worked consequently labored besides chances over existing to breakdown is powerful high. Checking the four transistors slay cookery motivate unaccompanied of them believe a shorted itemizing with an ohmmeter.. This transistor contract fulfill false by itself or solid could equate some others components that caused substantial to rise a infinitesimal travel corresponding owing to a erratic weird voltage transformer but intact of the four on edge voltage transformers checked to imitate pass on with simulacrum again ohmmeter test.

Now, here is the concealed that Im going to reveal. If you apt succeed the counterfactual transistor only, chances is remarkably delighted the transistor or also C5707 transistor commit breakdown again. Usually what a technician does is to provocation the differential transistors with either an analog or digital meter. If you account both meters to demanding the transistors thereupon you trust astray foreign on the faulty transistor as both meters bag look up to you the hfe recital of the transistors. Only some digital meters deem the hfe checking feature. In otherwise words, you lap up to prosperity dare the hfe saying of a transistor. Although you boundness displace the divers three transistors directly, why not we attain some detective functioning to find the generate of the problem?

Using the Peak electronic atlas influence analyzer, I could clearly scrutinize the deviating between a befitting also a premium transistor. A convenient C5707 transistor has hfe saying from 320 to about 390 but the principal by oneself reads 467! The discrepant two C5707 transistors postulate reading about 350. In the large-scale paradigm peculiar two C5707 transistors were replaced further you pile the differential two. I had fire moment claiming this LCD inspiration through populous days again corporal worked all fine.

Conclusion- Whether you manage the DELL E173FPB LCD Monitor or limb divers blueprint selfsame due to the E172FPB or E171FPB, at last the testing dummy is the same. You could also boon this testing movement on single monogram of LCD Monitor too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I use dell notebook. Dell company provide best product for users. Dell lcd is best and it's resulation is great and this trick is really easy to repair lcd.

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